
Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Countdown to Tron Legacy...

Here are more clips from the forthcoming Tron Legacy movie, scheduled to be released in December. I really hope this movie is worth the hype.

The four Sirens in the image above are the female assistants that help to prep Flynn [the young protagonist in the movie, dressed in the dark-gray rubber-like suit] for his live game battles. The one with the gray hair is their leader, and her name is Jem. From preview clips, she gives occasionally pointers on survival to Flynn.

I keep having suspicions about this movie. Its clear that the director [Joseph Kosinski] utilizes a lot of panoramic shots, taking full advantage of the wide-screen format available in the movie theaters.
There is really nothing wrong with that style, provided it is used to create an intriguing effect that assists in the storytelling. In fact, there's a comic artist that was known for being able to do this on paper to perfection. His name is Michael Turner [RIP, April 21, 1971 – June 27, 2008] and he was one of the artists that I consider as a mentor.

[Images above taken from the Superman Batman: Supergirl graphic novel written by Jeph Loeb and drawn by Michael Turner. The Teen Titans & JLA art is also by the same artist]

Joseph Kosinski hasn't really directed any major blockbusters in the past. he's more known for his TV commercials and his computer graphics work. He's done outstanding commercials for Halo and Gears of War franchises - and those works appear to be the springboard that have pushed him into the directors chair for the CGI filled Tron Legacy.

While I do admire the tight bodysuits and the embedded neon grids that cover all of the...
outfits worn by the main characters in this forthcoming movie, I've started receiving quite a stoic vibe from the on-screen acting, gleaned from various non-action clips.

Yes, 90% of this movie is set within a video game universe contrived by the main hero's father. But that doesn't mean that all the non-human sprites walking about have to act like their robotic sentinels who are part of a video game, requiring user inputs to give them life. The essence of great acting is the freedom that comes with facial expressions and physical mannerisms, tied to reactions showcased by those experiencing the on-screen plight.

In simpler terms, an actor/actress should behave like they're engrossed in their world and not seem detached or overly nonchalant. This is the only way that the audience will believe in the presented fantasy.

I've assumed that Tron Legacy is going to be one of those movies that you'll either love or hate, regardless of how it fares in theaters. Perhaps the fact that it's presented in 3D will be the reason some will view it as a visual triumph. Or maybe 3D is the ONLY WAY we' will be able to appreciate what is presented.... LOL

There's an extensive article I did on the original Tron movie [released back in 1982] over here:

The Green Crusader...

And lastly, those of you who grew up in the 70s/80s should remember the Batman TV series that had the POW and BLAM action balloons projected on the screen as animated layers during the fight sequences. There was another TV series that aired during that time frame, which was a bit more mature in its presentation. It was the Green Hornet, featuring a masked crime fighter whose major colors were a deep shade of green and black.
Played by actor Van Williams, the Hornet didn't wear spandex and a cape. In my opinion, he was far more "cooler", opting to wear a custom black trench coat, black slacks and gloves. He was a a newspaper publisher by day and a crime fighter by night.

This TV series featured Bruce Lee as Kato, the driver/bodyguard of the elusive Green Hornet. And despite the fact that I watched it first back in 1985, the series was originally produced a lot earlier than that, and its premier run on ABC was from September 9, 1966 to March 17, 1967.

Several comics and merchandise items based on the franchise were released over the years, despite the fact that the show aired for only one season.

This TV production was the springboard for Bruce Lee's career, pushing him and his martial arts talent into the mainstream for Western fans to behold.

But the Dark Knight always seemed to eclipse the Green Crusader in popularity. The Hornet and Kato were ridding high back then, and their dynamic mode of transportation was a 1966 Imperial Crown sedan, loaded with automated features and cool offensive gadgets.Their sleek vehicle was called "The Black Beauty" and it was manufactured by Chrysler.

Now, leap forward about 25 years from my childhood days, and Sony Pictures has payed for the production of a Green Hornet movie, slated for release in January 2011. So far, the Sony executives who have seen the completed feature film have praised it, practically calling it a blockbuster. But if it's that good, why aren't they sufficiently advertising it, and pushing it in the media?

Green Lantern doesn't hit theaters till summer of 2011, but its teaser trailers, stills, posters and sneak pics have been buzzing around the web since the San Diego ComicCon in July. And recently Entertainment Tonight claims to have the first full-length trailer for the new Green Lantern, slated to air tonight [16/11/2010] on their 30-minute TV show during an interview with actor Ryan Reynolds.

Lets hope that the Green Hornet doesn't fall into the pit that swallowed up Equilibrium back in 2002 [the sci fi movie starring Christian Bale that featured exceptional Gun-Kata techniques]. Equilibrium didn't become popular till it was released on DVD. And amazed fanboys/fangirls kept saying, "Damn! When did this movie hit theaters?"


Second Blog article on the Green Hornet is over Here

Updated Blog gallery of Power Girl from DC Comics is Here