
Friday, November 26, 2010


Presented here are the inked and colored versions.
This year at DragonCon in Atlanta, there was a Steampunk explosion, in costumes worn by the attendees.
As a sub-genre of Sci Fi, Steampunk is basically a  fusion of Victorian styled environments and clothing [dating back to the 19th century] and mechanical innovations predominantly powered by steam power, pistons, interconnected levers, gears and other thermodynamic applications.

This pic of Storm, from the superhero team, the X-men, was intended to present a fusion of the aforementioned principles, in terms of her apparel. Her outfit looks both classical and modern. The modified background gear image was sourced as a stock from Wikipedia, while I did all the enhancements in Photoshop.


Although Steampunk is often intertwined with Cyberpunk in terms of proposed concepts, innovations and mechanical designs, they are two completely separate genres.

[A Sexy Poster of Storm of the X-men, by DSNG Artist]

Blade Runner [1982] and The Matrix Franchise [commenced in 1999] are good examples of Cyberpunk, while the Wild Wild West [1999] was perfectly synonymous with the concepts of Steampunk. And you can find a descriptive article I did on the Steampunk genre within my blog a few months ago, over Here.

Popular Marvel Comics artist, Mark Brooks, also produced some Steampunk styled artwork not too long ago. He posted the pics in his DA gallery. I think it was for a personal project, or a comic book pitch... 


Mark's cool DA gallery is over here:

BTW, if your Web Browser is Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, check out this cool alternate view of the DSNG blog: