
Tuesday, November 8, 2011


These images come straight from the drawing board.

Often I get preoccupied with drawing sexy female aliens and pin ups. Yet I also have a strong passion for drawing dynamic sci fi stuff, such as combating warriors, martial arts and action sequences.

Shown in the first image on the left, General Obed Primon is actually a classic character; and those who  followed my artwork back at DA about 5 years ago will recall seeing Obed and Elena Eden is several DSNG comic book covers. Obed is Elena's boyfriend, and she calls him her "bald big daddy". Their personalities are completely opposite, yet somehow they make it work. I talked about that issue in the first Elena article. And Obed was featured in another article tied to the Top 5 Centura elites, a group of Super Soldiers linked to the military forces of planet Avera. Prince Azzar isn't part of the Top 5; Azzar is actually ranked above them, although his military rank is SCO - Senior Commanding Officer - which places him below Obed in the authoritative histogram.

It was Azzar's cousin, King Titron, who made that specific military office for him. You'll have to read up DSNG Chronicles Book 4 to find out why that happened.

BTW, Obed is an Imperial Knight [Interplanetary warfare], while Azzar is an Alpha Senturi [black-ops soldier].

The second image showcases a pin-up sketch of Lady Neena Nekasha, the Matriarch of the Nauticons: an all-female race that hail from planet Macur, the Sea World. There are several other intriguing races that are based out of  Macur, and once I get around to doing an elaborate article on that planet [as I did for Entrados, Planoris and Scalata] then you'll behold those various aliens and their historic backgrounds.

Neena was previously shown in this recent article, along with other beautiful alien women: HERE

Explore the DSNG Sci Fi series: HERE