
Friday, January 7, 2011


A New Year, a New Destiny

Welcome, sci fi fan,

Time is a priceless gift. And with each passing second, history is made, as physical events roll into the past. Each person on Earth literally has the ability to forge their own destiny, making timely decisions that affect their present circumstances.

Now come with me, and dive forward into the imaginative realm of science fiction.
If characters in a neo-industrial world are to be founded in realistic environments, then that implies they must exist within time, amidst a peculiar space [often framed as an alternate reality, or a highly detailed distant galaxy, hosting several organized star systems].

When a protagonist is designed properly, then the author has to define the passage of time within the context of the saga; he or she has to initially write the history of the focal character, giving the hero an intriguing past, a dynamic present and mysterious future.

These are the principles that I always ponder: the essence of time, history and destiny.
And these are foundational cornerstones for the DSNG Sci Fi Series. The term "DSNG" is an acronym for Destiny Series the Neo-Genesis. And it is an evolutionary saga presenting the events that define the legacy of the main character, while giving glimpses of his past struggles and signs of his future plights.

[Above: Never-before-seen pics, showing the original DSNG Series Graphic Novel, dating back to 2006/2007. It wasn't released in stores. The Superman/Batman: Supergirl Novel by Michael Turner was included for size comparison]

No one writes an epic sci-fi saga overnight. It takes time to plan it right. And you have to understand how to intertwine the elements of action, drama, romance and comedy, while also inserting suspense at the appropriate junctures to keep the audience craving uniquely desired outcomes.




The six characters above should be familiar to you [Azzar, Kinera, Elena, Wandah, Vince and Chebeyah], if you've read DSNG Chronicles Book 1, the first volume of about 7 ebooks available now at

It is possible to write a story that is fully bland, focused upon an upright hero; this has been done many times before. But one can also create a story about a hero who may become a villain, yet the audience will acclaim that protagonist if the character's persona has been designed in a certain way.

This Overview is Part 1 of 17 articles in this blog, focused on explaining the DSNG Sci Fi Series and showcasing the main cast, along with the diverse alien races [As more article are posted I'll add them to the list]. I trust that the expose on Prince Azzar Omenus [the main hero, a super soldier] and his associates will give life to the sci fi saga, just as colors give life to a poster...

[Above: Shella-Nita, aka Shelly. She is a famous Scalatan supermodel, from the Winguddon Clan. There are more beautiful pinup posters of Shelly over HERE. She is introduced in DSNG Chronicles Book 4]

DSNG CHRONICLES Book 1 is at Amazon, as a downloadable ebook to PC/Mac/I-Pad: Here 
And the New 99-Cent DSNG promo ebook titled UNUSUAL SUSPECT is available: Here


Part 17:

NOTE: Concept art for the Thundercats 2011 remake are in the 2010 November Archives