And I've been getting a lot of inspiration from the things that I see - that's the concept I was targeting with the post header "when art meets life". Thus one can draw inspiration from unexpected sources, which affects what you draw and what you write. For instance, the characters in my sci fi book actually "go to the gym" and have interactions there...
Plus I've been hearing about a site called Patreon.com, where people can donate like $1, $2 or $5 per month to an artist, while the artist presents private art for them to behold exclusively. So the stuff can be art with flowers and ponies, or even stuff that's rated R; it's all private and exclusive. Will I join them? I dunno if you guys actually want to see the DSNG sexy female characters, buck-nakid, as well as Superman "getting it on" with Wonder Woman - stuff like that. :)
Stop drooling and Head over to Facebook and share your thoughts on that--> HERE

And to my loyal fans... all I can say is THANK YOU for your faithful support. It's you guys that keep me going on this endless Sci Fi Adventure!
And FYI, DSNG Book 15 is being developed, so stay tuned!!!!!