According to chatter over the Web, over the past weekend the cast of the forthcoming Avengers 2012 movie were seen trooping about in New York City, as several high-octane chase scenes were being filmed. Captain America [Chris Evans], Hawkeye [Jeremy Renner] and Black Widow [Scarlett Johansson] are featured in the first image. And there's a pic that shows the quarrelsome brothers, Loki [Tom Hiddleston] and Thor [Chris Hemsworth]. Out of all the superhero costumes on display in these images, I think Hawkeye looks the coolest.

I'm wondering where Samuel L. Jackson and Robert Downey Jr. [aka the infamous Tony Stark] are at this point.... And where is the HULK??
**EDIT: I've found some more official posters / production images from the set of the Avengers. And Tony Stark finally makes a cameo behind the scenes:

**UPDATES October 12, 2011**
Check out more cool posters from the production set & the First official Teaser Trailer for The Avengers 2012 Movie!:

The first article showcasing official Avengers movie posters by Marvel Artists was placed here:
Check out cool fan art [Marvel & DC] by the DSNG Artist: