This page is a portal to the multiple articles that have been posted within this blog since its inception back in 2010. There are a variety of sci fi genres out there, which are best viewed as the collective subs-systems that make up a comprehensive structural unit.
And through the multifaceted outlet of the media, over the years there have been books, movies, cartoons, anime and TV shows that were founded upon sci fi themes.
Presented below are a list of articles that you can browse through, in order to learn exactly "WHAT IS SCI FI" and what the various major genres of sci fi are all about. The posts are included with lots of digital pics, concept art, and Youtube videos that help to explain the discussion topic.
More sci fi articles will be added as to this Web page they are created by the blog's author...
[Poster showing beautiful female aliens featured in the dynamic DSNG Sci Fi Series. From left to right: Countess Davinat, Lady Iona, Empress Havita and Lady Neena]
Post Title: The Difference Between Science Fiction and Fantasy
This article discusses the difference between the often blurred "Science Fiction" and "Fantasy" genres, while giving 21st century examples in the media, along with classic examples from the 80s and 90s.
Post Title: What is Sci Fi? - Part 1
This post incorporates basic definitions of SCIence FIction and its related themes. It also presents an overview of the Steampunk genre. Exploration of the concepts that lead ones imagination towards distant galaxies are also analyzed, along with examples from popular the TV franchise Star Trek, and the famous Star Wars saga. Some Steampunk artwork is showcased here in a separate article:
Post Title: What is Sci Fi? - Part 2
This post talks about the Cyberpunk genre, as illustrated within the Matrix movie Trilogy. The sci fi movie franchise made popular by Arnold Schwarzenegger is also analyzed - The Terminator.
Post Title: The MECHA Genre
In this article, the intriguing topic of giant robots and various mechanical morphers are considered. And a host of anime series with giant mechanized heroes based out of Japan are also presented [Including Gundam, Transformers, Zoids, Dangaioh, Crazy Burst Angel, Goa Gai Gar and others]. A sample poster of these massive machines with human pilots is shown above.
A few more Transformers pics were posted here:
Also check out the Official Posters / Artwork from the Transformers Movie franchise, directed by Michael Bay:
And an article tied to the new video game "Transformers: Fall of Cybertron" is over HERE
Post Title: What is Sci F? - Part 3
The hit anime Cyberpunk series titled The Ghost In The Shell is explored, as a closer look at the intricacies of fusing cybernetic sensors with the tender membranes of human organisms is considered. Lots of cool artwork here...

[Above: concept art for Lion-o / Liono, from the Thundercats Cartoon series. The blog article about that series is presented below, just keep an eye open for it]
Here the interesting cross between old western cultures and futuristic gadgets is considered. Often in this genre, the cowboys are transferred to post-apocalyptic wastelands with sandy plains and grand canyons. And in other scenarios, the aliens come to invade the thriving horse-riding settlements, in search of peculiar resources such as gold, oil or even slave laborers. Cartoon series and blockbuster movies are talked about [e.g.: Galaxy Rangers, Firefly, and Cowboys & Aliens].
Post Title: Scanning The TRON Legend - Part 1
This is a closer look at the classic trailblazing TRON movie that debuted back in 1982, along with its defining themes and the breakthrough special effects that were utilized to create a digital world within a computer based environment.
Post Title: Scanning The TRON Legend - Part 2
This is a Preview of the TRON LEGACY movie that was released in 2010, including tons of pictures.
And the movie Review was later posted here:
Post Title: The Total Recall Movie [The Original and the Remake slated for 2012]
Colin Farrell attempts to reincarnate the role that was made famous by Arnold Schwarzenegger in a cult classic Cyberpunk movie, which was originally released back in 1990.
And this second article features behind-the-scenes posters / wallpapers from the new Total Recall movie >> Link:
Post Title: Sexy Silver Sirens and the Green Hornet
More details on the TRON LEGACY movie are presented, including a brief preview and a lot of images from the sci fi film. The panoramic wide-screen style for shooting the scenes as utilized by the director is also discussed, while making comparisons to the works by a late great comic artist named Michael Turner. The sci fi action movie titled the GREEN HORNET is also presented.
Post Title: More on the Green Hornet
More on the forthcoming GREEN HORNET movie, starring Seth Rogen [the infamous Green Hornet] and Jay Chou [Kato, his martial arts sidekick / weapons expert]. We also take a closer look at both actors, to see what acting / singing / directing activities they've got listed on their diverse resumes.
A closer look at the classic cartoon from the mid-80s which started a massive anime revolution. Classic pics are presented from the TV series and the comic spin-offs, along with conceptual fan art by the DSNG artist. The trailer for the 2011 Thundercats Cartoon remake was posted in a separate article, here:
Post Title: Yoko and Gurren Lagann!
A fascinating sci fi anime series based in an alternate futuristic timeline, in which humans have been forced underground by dominant alien hordes called the beastmen. And down there in various antechambers and buried villages they live and thrive in subjection... until a young boy named Simon [blue-haired kid, above] finds the drill-shaped key to the head of a giant robot, which changes everything. Yoko [busty red-head, shown above] is the feisty female warrior that wields a massive sniper rifle, and she helps Simon to find the path to his destiny, as they reach for the stars...
Second article with more fan art of Yoko:
Post Title: Details on the 2011 Wonder Woman NBC TV show [which was cancelled]
We take a look at this horribly conceived idea and how it went from the artistic drawing board to the scrap heap, in a matter of months....
Also check out the Beautiful fan art of Wonder Woman, by the DSNG artist:
Post Title: The forthcoming G.I. JOE 2 movie and the current cast
A look at Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Channing Tatum and other selected actors/actresses that are poised to star in the forthcoming movie sequel, slated for release in 2012.
Also check out more pics in the article about The Rock and his stunt double, Tanoai Reed:
Post Title: Fast Five Movie Gets Two Thumbs up!
As a hardcore fan of Vin Diesel [lead actor, the Chronicles of Riddick], I made this movie review that has a ton of pics from the production set. The next Fast and Furious Movie [Fast 6] has already been slated for 2013...
Post Title: First Details on Vin Diesel's Riddick 3 Movie!
A collection of the latest rumors and concept art work from the sequel to the forthcoming Chronicles of Riddick Movie, including the plot and casting information.
Post Title: Jeff Bridges and the Real Steel movie Preview!
A salute to a great actor, who starred in sci fi movies dating back to the 1970s. His name is Jeff Bridges and I have a great deal of respect for him.
Post Tile: More info on the Real Steel Movie
A blog article featuring Hugh Jackman [star of the Real Steel 2011 Movie] and his promo wrestling match on Monday Night Raw was posted here. Article also includes a brief movie review and a new trailer.
Post Title: Review of Conan The Barbarian 2011 Movie
This article is a candid review [with several spoilers] that talks about the new action movie featuring Jason Mamoa. Includes photos from the movie and a discussion on its plot...
Post Title: Drive Movie Preview Plus the Next Wonder Woman Actress!
This article focuses on the explanation of what the forthcoming Drive movie is all about and it also features pics of the busty redhead actress Christiana Hendricks, along with some WonderWoman casting ideas that originated in the mind of the Drive director, Nicholas Winding.
Post Title: Horrible Bosses [Movie Review]
Presented here is a review of the named 2011 movie above, which was inter-twinned with comedy, satire and dark humor. Three guys are working in three disparate work locations, yet they have one thing in common: they each want to kill their bosses, in order to have better lives. Thus they consult a killer named "Motherfucker Jones"...
Post Title: The Three Musketeers [Movie Preview]
This is an insightful preview of the forthcoming Three Musketeers 2011 Movie, a film that incorporates Steampunk Sci Fi themes with explosive swashbuckling action. Lots of posters / pics from the movie production set are presented, along with some historical facts about the Musketeers.
Post Title: Reason why Underworld Awakening might be the same as its predecessors [Movie Preview]
A review of the forthcoming Underworld Awakening Movie slated for release in January 2012 is featured. And several images are presented featuring Kate Beckinsale, who reprises her role as the sultry female vampire warrior.
Post Title: The Abduction 2011 Movie - Why it Sucked [Movie Review]
This is an unsentimental review of the recent teen action thriller staring one of the young guys from the Twilight vampire/werewolf saga. Read the article and find out why Taylor "Wolfboy" Lautner isn't ready to be an action star...
Post Title: Sci Fi Concept Armor and Costumes - PART 1
Futuristic armor and Steampunk costumes are placed here, as a close look at various sci fi concept armaments and combat attire are examined. References for male and female character designs amidst futuristic environments [including sleek exo-suits and hefty armored suits] are presented here.
And PART 2 of this article with futuristic armor and MECHA designs is over Here:
Post Title: News on the Forthcoming Akira Cyberpunk Movie [Movie Preview]
The Akira Anime is an iconic cult classic released back in the mid-80s. Warner Bros Studios recently green-lighted a major motion picture based on that cartoon movie and we have all the new casting details and cool pics from the original anime here!
Post Title: Review of the new Indian Sci Fi Movie titled RA.ONE!
This article showcases an insightful movie review of the groundbreaking sci fi film Ra.One, from India! This post is a must-read for superhero and sci fi fans!
Post Title: Review of the new Immortals Movie!
This article talks about the new action film based upon ancient Greek Mythology. And the Immortals 2011 Movie features Henry Cavil, the new Superman actor for the Man of Steel 2012/2013 movie. Check it out!
Post Title: Comparison between Troy and The Immortals
This review article analyses the similarities and the differences between the themes in two epic films - one is a classic from 2004 [Troy, starring Brad Pitt and Eric Bana] and the other is destined to be a classic, and it was released this year 2011 [Immortals, starring Henry Cavil and Freida Pinto].
Post Title: Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol
This article gives a preview of the new 2011 MI4 movie featuring Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg, Paula Patton & Ving Rhames [who shows up at the very end]. A host of pictures and screenshots are included, along with pics of the world's tallest building in Dubai, the Burj Al Khalifa.
[Above: Ironman digital painting, by Jamga at]
Post Title: New Pictures from the Set of the Avengers 2012 Movie
Cool official posters and wallpapers from the forthcoming Avengers movie from Marvel Studios. Pics of Ironman, The Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye, the Black Widow and Nick Fury are included.
Post Title: Review of the Wrath of the Titans 2012 Movie
A candid analysis of the recent sci fi fantasy movie starring Sam Worthington [aka "Jake the Sully" from Avatar] as he battles mystical beasts while repeating his role as Perseus the demigod / half-son of Zeus.
Post Title: Review of the Dark Knight Rises 2012 Movie
We take a closer look at the good and bad sides of the final installment of Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy, as Catwoman [played by Anne Hathaway] joins Batman [Christian Bale] to combat the terrorist Bane [Matt Hardy].
Post Title: Review of the Judge Dredd 2012 Movie
A review of the movie based upon a British comic book character, and this movie stars Karl Urban as the futuristic executor of hard justice, Judge Dredd.