Here's another new one! This is my Ryu Red Samurai. And I paired him up with my Chun-Li [created by Storm Collectibles].
This Ryu is a custom build that was made from several parts! And the Clothes cover his composite body! The Shang-Chi base body was too short as a companion for my Chun-Li, so I had to make something bigger...
Hence the tall central torso for my Ryu was a shirtless toy - the Marvel Legends Namor [Sub-Mariner]. And his arms and legs came from Deathlok, the one with the red costume. You can see the red boots of Deathlok in most of the pictures.
His head and gripping hands came from Shang-Chi. And the red and gold "gi" outfit came from ebay. The long katana sword was also bought from ebay. And there was no need to custom paint this guy.
BTW, in one of the images, Ryu thinks he's seeing a ghost of Chun-Li... and in another pic, Ryu is checking out dat ass... see if you can spot them below!
Thanks for looking, Enjoy and Share!