A fan contacted me a few weeks ago and he had four projects that he wanted to commission me for.... we started talking and it was narrowed down to three. He had seen one of my Marvel Legends Black Cat Customs somewhere on the Web. And he wanted me to upgrade and repaint three of his items [two 6-inch figures, and one 8-inch statue].
So he sent the items to me and I got to work. About 3 weeks later, the job is done. And here are the pics... he wanted the toys to be made extra thicc / thick / shapely, so I had to sculpt boobs and booty upgrades, where possible. And he also wanted glossy paint, which takes a few days to dry. You can tell they are 3 different models, per the type of zipper on the costume's front side. And only one of them has white high-heeled boots. Also, the statue is the one with the black shoes and black gloves. The retro Black Cat has the flat white shoes, and she is the shortest & newest of the three models, per her production date.

The extra custom Black Widow toy shown above is tied to another blog article with more pics, over HERE.
Thanks for looking. Enjoy and Share!