Time for Dat New Sh#T!! LOL!!
OK, I believe I've shared the pics of Major Clyde Flux [the white guy with the blue gear] on my Facebook , and at other sites. But the new Cobra Agent, Trident [the cool black guy in the gray suit], has never been shared.
Per my lore, Major Clyde Flux is peers with Major Bludd, the Cobra Agent. They were in the same military training academy. And Flux was a good guy, who later turned to the dark side ;)
Trident is a stealth operative with a focus on counter-terrorism and infiltration. He is calm and calculating and he doesn't talk much. So it seems like he has a bad attitude. But looks can be deceiving... He also has martial arts training with various Japanese butsu-styles, which involves handheld weapons. And with his years of combat training, he can compete against Snakes Eyes or Storm Shadow, with the four large kunai blades that he has holstered on his suit.
The base body for Trident was the Valaverse Garisson Calvary. And I sculpted the new body armor for him, while adding several blades from ebay. The guns came from ebay as well, while I sculpted the lines on his mask. The backpack and assault rifle came from the Cobra Crimson Guard.
Plus in some of the pics, there is a dual-rocket antitank missile launcher that I bought from ebay, from a guy that goes by @Destroslab on Instagram. And that rocket launcher is similar to the top-unit used by Scrap Iron. But I modified it and added some upgrades - the twin automatic shotguns held by a magnet on its crown, so that it can swivel. Plus I added a laser-range finder to it, attached on the left side.
Thanks for looking! Don't forget to like and share!