Another New Custom that I've been teasing on Instagram, while showing the steps to build up to it!
Her name is Agent Lantra, a black-ops operative and an infiltrator. And she's a villain :)
The toy's base model was Marvel Legends Shriek, and I decided to add some "boot swivel" to her, to enhance her "poseability". Then I sculpted her boots, and kept sculpting her costume upwards from that point. And I added the blonde head from Enchantress, before I gave her a new black bob hairstyle, as well as a "metal V-plate" that was set across her forehead.
I painted her black, before using Tamiya and America paints to give her the metallic and red color scheme. Her guns were from ebay, and her backpack was from my fodder bin. Plus I enhanced her backpack to host her two flanking handguns via pins inserted into their trigger guards, while she has a sub-machinegun held on her left thigh with a magnet. And there's a handgun held on her right hip, inside a sculpted holster.
I added one of my former GIJoe Cobra Customs, Baroness, and her Cobra Coil Bike to the pics, to give a sense of scale. Thanks for looking! Enjoy and share!