Finally the Haslab Hiss Tanks have started rolling in! The pictures I'm showing are screenshots, courtesy of GalacticManLarry on Youtube. And his full video review is over HERE.
Click on the pics to enlarge them. From my overall observation, the tank is cool and sturdy looking. And lots of extra tank accessories come with it, along with four unique 6-inch figures [Not shown in this visual review].

The first pic compares the tank to the Chariot of Serpentor, while the second pic shows some Classified figures standing beside it, including Baroness, Destro and Cobra Commander. The third pic shows the Hiss Tank with two Ram Cycles, flanking it on either side. And the last pic shows a side-view, with Scarp Iron's drone included for a size comparison.
The only thing that I noticed is that the tank is "small"... I think it should have been bigger, wider, and elevated higher, especially when you compare it to the Ram Cycles. Currently, per its passenger capacity, the Hiss Tank sits just one driver, and one other guy can sit inside the slim rear cabin region, while one extra gunner can stand in the gun-cage to control the blasters in the rotating gun-turret. That totals three passengers. Would have been cool to be able to fit more soldiers inside it.
Also, the connecting hinge of the red side-steps leading up to the cockpit and the hinges of the glass canopy all seem to be fragile. So one will have to handle them with care.
But other than that, I think it's a cool addition to a collection of 6-inch scale soldiers, for both GI Joe and Valaverse.