In the new Dredd 2012 Movie, within the Dystopian North American location of Mega-City-One, Judge Dredd [played by Karl Urban] and his rookie psychic apprentice [played by Olivia Thirlby] respond to a peculiar act of triple homicide in one of the massive 200-story buildings in their city, called the Peach Trees Slum Building - three men were tossed out of the balcony of the top floor by the evil female kingpin/drug dealer, who goes by the Moniker of Ma-Ma [played by Lena Heady, who was best known for playing the role of "Sara Connor" on the TV Series of Terminator, shown back in '08 - '09].
Anyway, being executors of justice, Judge Dredd and his rookie [who goes by the name of Judge Anderson] head into the 200-story building to find out who tossed down the three drugged men [who had lethal does of "slo-mo" infused into their bloodstreams] and the unbridled action unfolds from there. Ma-ma sends her right-hand-man to tackle the Judges, but that tough guy gets his candy-ass kicked by the stoic Dredd, right before the entire towering building is put on lockdown [all windows and exits are sealed with thick sliding blast-shields, the sort of thing that I assume was installed in the towering skyscrapers to protect from nuke-shockwaves], sealing-in the heroes and one of their captured suspects named Kay. So the heroes have to fight their way up to the top of the building, to face Ma-ma.

In the mind of many fans, Karl Urban is probably best known for his role as Lord Vaako [or Vakko] in the Chronicles of Riddick 2004 movie. And in that movie, he was married to the cunning and insidious Lady Vakko, played by Thandie Newton. It is rumored that Karl will be back in the role of Vakko in the next Riddick movie, which should be out in 2013. Olivia Thirlby is also shown below with Karl at the premier of the Dredd 2012 movie.

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In the Dredd 2012 movie, the shoot-em-up action is intense from start to finish, and beyond the countless hordes of gun-totting cronies that work for Ma-Ma throughout the skyscraper, there are even crooked Judges that come against the heroic duo of Dredd and Anderson. Judge Dredd also has a bad-ass motorcycle that can project twin machine-guns from beside its front wheel.... too bad he couldn't use it inside the tall Peach Trees building. About 80% of the movie's action takes place within the vast 200-story skyscraper, which almost gives it a rather claustrophobic feel. But for the showcased theme of "cops hunting thugs and robbers", it still works; and the 3D feature makes many of the dynamic scenes to "pop" quite well.

Anyway, if you enjoyed movies Rambo: First Blood, Terminator, The Expendables 2 or even Starship Troopers [yes, I had to bring up that awful olddie], you'll probably enjoy Judge Dredd. I would have added the 2012 sci fi remake of Total Recall to the list.... but that one wasn't really good enough to make the cut, in terms of the plot.

Check out the Preview and posters from The Expendables 2 over HERE
And you can see the official wallpapers and behind the scenes posters from Total Recall over HERE