She is one of the Spider-Man characters locked in the gray zone; you can't call her a good guy, or a bad guy, since she and her Wild Pack Team of mercenaries are locked somewhere in-between.
The top body, face and arms came from Marvel Legends Thundra, while the torso and thighs came from Lady Thor. The lower legs, the belt and knees came from Domino. And I added a lot of sculpting to her boots, and I sculpted the rest of her armor and her thick / thicc body. The shield came from Captain America and her handguns came from ebay, although they were customized as well. She has three guns, and her extra gun is holstered at her left thigh.
Her hair came from Black Cat and I added a lot of sculpted gray highlights to it. She was spray-painted and hand-painted with Tamiya paints. Enjoy and Share!