Friday, December 23, 2022


As a fan of comics and movies based on the superhero genre, I've realized over the years that you have to turn your mind off and enjoy the surreal escapism provided by the visual or live action entertainment, in order to fully enjoy the media presentation.

That means that you won't think: "Damn, this is weird" or "This is stupid", when you see something fantastic on the movie screen, or on your smartphone / tablet. Instead you'll just accept and enjoy it as entertainment, and rightfully so. 

But as I've grown older [I'm in my 40s now], there are some things that I have realized when watching the superhero animated / movie presentations, which cause me to pause and think about what I'm seeing.

I'll just list about 5 things, and they're all tied to the DC Comics / DC Movie Universe, and the powers of some of the Justice League members, namely: The Flash, Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman and Green Lantern.

1. The Flash should be one of the most powerful heroes on the roster. With real super speed, you can punch Doomsday in his throat and pull out his esophagus. Actually, that's an instant kill, for any powerful opponent. If the throat is armored, then just aim for the eyes and stab deep enough to hit the brain matter. No supervillain will survive that.

2. Wonder Woman is Bulletproof, as a Top Tier Female Amazonian and a female counterpart to Superman. So she doesn't need those bracelets for deflecting bullets. It's a waste of time... hell, she's actually showing off. Plus you don't need a "lasso of truth", to get criminals to confess. Just grab them by the balls and crush their nuts. Trust me, they'll talk.

3. Honestly, The Joker is needed as Batman's main villain, but he's way overrated. Why, you ask? Because he has not had a single day of martial arts training. And he has no military background, and no Special-ops or weapons training. He doesn't lift weights or go hard in the gym, to build up stamina, strength or endurance. Yet he can go blow-for-blow against Batman, in many comics, before laughing and escaping. But Batman has got elite training with the League Of Assassins. So ain't no way in hell that the Joker can step up to him and win, ever. But unfortunately, they need each other like a balanced "yin and yang".

4. If Superman can shoot up into the sky while holding any powerful opponent like Doomsday, and travel beyond the Mesosphere and Thermosphere [50 to 90 km upwards], get to space [300 km upwards], and just release his opponent, then that villain will freeze and die in space. And there will be world peace... imagine that. Last time I checked, Doomsday still breathes oxygen, as does Darkseid. So ain't no way in hell that they can survive, if you zoom them up there, and just leave them there to die.

5. Green Lantern should be able to conjure a nuclear bomb, with a controlled fusion reaction. Honestly, he should. And that would be the end of Brainiac and his mothership, or any other alien invader. Heck, generating a variant of green kryptonite should also be possible... 'cause it's green damn it! :)

The Honorary mentions: I think Aquaman should have gills, and Cyborg should have the greatest portable Lithium-ion battery known to mankind.

All right, that's all for now. 

Relax, this was all written with fun, humor and good will!

You may say I'm thinking too much. But I can't help it. I write sci fi books that are over 500 pages long. Hence I have to think, so that my books will actually make sense to me and to those that read them!

You can check out some other archived articles below!

