Recently on the DSNG
Facebook page, we showcased a toy statue made for Emma Frost [the White Queen from Marvel Comics], which had the alluring face of actress Alice Eve, a hot British blonde [the previous article on Alice Eve is over
I did some more surfing and found another popular toy statuette, made in the image of
Jana the Jungle Girl [a popular comic character published by Dynamite Ent., which ran as two brief mini-series from 2007 - 2009]. "Jana the Jungle Girl" is often confused with "Shana the She Devil" [and they truly look like sisters].
Anyway, this toy statue shown below was contrived from the artwork of Frank Cho, a notarized
Cheesecake artist who started a newspaper comic strip that projected him to fame and fortune. You can take a look at the statue of Jungle Girl, and compare it to the cover artwork drawn by Frank Cho.
Notice the gawking parrot shamelessly placed on the tree stub, right between Jana's legs...... Frank is known for inserting sexual gags into his work, along with his common curvy depiction of the female form. This statue costs about $250 dollars, so its definitely for those who really love to collect "echi toys".
Liberty Meadows - The Adult Animated Series??

One of Frank's most famous characters is Brandy [the busty dark-haired female shown above] who was part of the main cast of
Liberty Meadows [his comicstrip started in the late-90s, that transcended into a popular comic book published by Image Comics]. Rumor is,
Liberty Meadows almost became an animated series several years ago, when Sony Ent. picked it up for a pilot episode. According to Frank, the pilot script he presented was too raunchy for the execs to handle. Then it was toned down and produced as a pilot. But when the execs saw it, they now said it wasn't mature enough, meaning that more changes had to be made to it, in order to amp-up the adult humor.... and later the Sony exec who supported the project was fired; thus the
Liberty Meadows animation series was left suspended in cartoon limbo, before it was eventually dropped due to an inactivity clause in the contract [meaning that Frank got back the rights to do whatever he wanted with his property, after about about 2 years of stagnation].
That's quite a pity, because I have a feeling that Liberty Meadows would have been better than the load of cartoon junk that is pumped out in the form of prime-time cartoons today on Fox and Cartoon Network. I really don't like
American Dad and a lot of the
Family Guy episodes - a lot of that stuff really isn't
that funny. In my opinion, they're more stupid than funny. But Seth MacFarlane is still a Billionaire today, due to the multiple adult animated series that he spearheads, so someone out there must enjoy his stuff ;)
Anyway, Frank is a true
Cheesecake artist, and this trait is signified by the voluptuous female forms that he draws; and this art style is basically a gimmick, which attracts a predominately male audience and coerces the fanboys to pay for the item showcased, which in this case is captivating art. If you take a look at the artwork below done by Frank Cho for Marvel Comics, you can see that the hourglass shape of She-Hulk is literally over-emphasized; and Frank purposely gave her a big butt in both sequences - Not that I'm complaining; after all, I'm a
Cheesecake artist as well....

You may have to Click on "Read More" to see the rest of the artwork / wallpapers in this long article!