Tamora was perfectly rendered, as a sexy & strong character; even her "walk cycles" were done in a sensual manner, much better than the cycles you find in some modern Third-Person-Shooters, MMOs & fantasy video games.
Being a bad-ass Space Marine Commander, Tamora has one of the craziest / saddest back-stories in cartoon history. I don't want to spoil it for you; you'll just have to see it to believe it in the movie theater. Anyway, Tamora later has a budding romance with FixIt Felix, another quirky character in this animated movie.
Check out the numerous wallpapers featuring Sergeant Calhoun, showing her and her various poses / gritty facial expressions:

[You may need to click on the word link that says "Read More" to the see the rest of this article with more pics of Sergent Calhoun!]

Here are a few animated gifs of Sergeant Calhoun and FixIt Felix - one of them features an awkward scene in which Felix is gazing at Tamora with googly eyes, while she's in the cockpit trying to pilot their escape-pod.
In my opinion, Tamora was really "Snarky". What is Snarky, you might ask?
It's Taranian slang. Planet Taran is oen of the green worlds in the DSNG sci fi series; they have lots of high-tech gizmos on that planet, plus their youth literally have their own dockin' dialect :)
[Those who have read the DSNG books know what I mean].
Definiton of Snarky: Someone who is a bad-ass, who is perpetually in a bad mood all the time. If the character acts like they'd be able to generate claws and chop your head off at any moment, then that person is Snarky.
Therefore, if you consider someone like Wolverine from Marvel comics, then he can be viewed as Snarky. Judge Derdd is definitely Snarky. And despite her pretty face, Sergeant Calhoun is also Snarky, per her tough personality. General Obed from the DSNG series is also Snarky.
Anyway, lets return to Wreck it Ralph. If you're a video game geek, you'll probably love it [since the whole flick is about video game characters and how they live / interact with one another after the arcade closes down each day. There were even several Street Fighter II characters in that cartoon, and Pacman made a cameo as well. Although I'm sure that you will agree that Tamora Calhoun deserved a much more prominent role; and her video game, Heroes Duty, wasn't featured enough.
The game that gets most of the spotlight in this new Disney movie is a Mario-Kart-ish game called Sugar Rush. And there, you have the adorable Vanellope Von Shweetz, who is a quirky little girl with black hair, and she has a sharp mouth and a feisty personality [she was shown in one of the wallpapers above]. Ralph, the main protagonist of the movie, is actually a sort of "Talking Donkey Kong with a conscience", who has huge arms and can break things easily per his super strength. After visiting Heroes Duty to grab a golden Medal-of-Honor, Ralph later "jumps games" and goes to Sugar Rush, where he meets Vanellope. And in true Disney fashion, when everything is said and done at the end of the movie, Vanellope becomes [yawn] a Princess / the Queen of Sugar Rush Land.
Nevertheless, the entertaining animated movie ends with a wedding, and it's not Vanellope who gets hitched.... it's the blonde female soldier that I wrote this article about :)
Make sure you check out Wreck it Ralph, in theaters now!