Elena was always designed to be voluptuous and sexy, but years later, her design started to slightly resemble the shape of Coco Austin, the wife of rapper IceT - and I've freely used Coco as an art reference for Elena in the past.
Having an upbeat personality and a cheerful disposition, Elena is a supermodel and an entrepreneur and she is currently dating General Obed, one of the Top 5 Centura Elites. And the Centura are the unified military force of planet Avera - one of the 7 major planets in the Makuran Galaxy, where the DSNG saga is based.
Prince Azzar Omenus [the main protagonist in the DSNG Chronicles] is a Centura elite as well, but he is not grouped among the Top 5. Instead he is the SCO, the Senior Commanding Officer of the Centura; while his powerful and lascivious cousin, Titron Omenus, is the King of the Averans.
Yes, the King is rather lustful and he has a ton of classy girlfriends aside from his regal wife, Bella Ezen Omenus, who is a friend of Elena [and Bella is a former girlfriend of Azzar; but trust me, it's a looooong story].
Now I'm sliding in some process pics, showing the early development stages, along with the putty additions. I use Milliput for my sculpting, and it's quite good ;)

Prince Azzar, King Titron, and the Centura Elites are all super soldiers. And Azzar is grouped with the highly respected Alpha Senturis - the Black-Ops soldiers. And during some of the future adventures in the DSNG ebooks, there is one gifted gothic gal that was added to the Centura elites, and her name is Yatalia.... so perhaps they are now tagged as the Top 5 + 1 or Top 6, or something like that...
Those new fans who are intrigued by the saga can start reading more about it over HERE, in this Blog. And that link will take you to the "Exploring DSNG" series of Blog articles, and they are filled with tons of pictures and info that I've presented over the past 3 years, showing the main heroes, villains, vehicles and locations from the DSNG Sci Fi Series!
[And here's a shout out to the evil golden gal Kinera Foxx, damn it! LOL]

Anyway, roughly a month ago [yes it took me that long], I started working on the action figure of Elena, based on the Wasp mold from the Marvel Legends toyline. And it took longer than I expected... because I was learning and working. I've customized several cool Transformers in the past, but the 5 to 6-inch tall action figures require a lot more precision, in my opinion.
But finally, Elena is done and I like the way she turned out. Clearly I had to enhance the original mold. And although it's hard to get Elena to stand by herself, I gladly utilize a figure stand to accomplish that feat.
Below is a comparison of the evolution of Elena's core design; the pic on the left was drawn back in 2011, and the other two pinups [with the colored version] were done in 2017. Her hair and face are a bit different, but you can tell that it was done by the same artist ;)

And I've called this the first Elena toy, since I may make more in the future. It is my dream to have toys like this mass produced, so that the true fans can have a piece of DSNG history sitting on their desk, at work or at home. Stay tuned for more, & don't forget to like and share!
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