This Scarlett gal was ready over 3 weeks ago, but it just didn’t feel right, so I held off on posting her. Finally, yesterday I decided to add some more stuff and touch up her paint a lil’ bit. And that’s how she got her uzi submachine gun, the cool shoulder-pad and the radio-thingy attached on her other shoulder strap. It’s those little things that make her standout.
Anyway, the base body for my Scarlett was a fusion of Captain Marvel Carol Danvers [main body and legs] and Thundra [arms and chest]. Her vest, boots, gloves and costume were sculpted and her guns were customized. Her belt was from Deadpool and I customized it. And her custom M16 blaster rifle is held via a magnet to her back. Her hair was fully sculpted, and her ponytail also has a magnet holding it in place. Her hair was colored with two shades of Tamiya red, one as the base, and the other for blood-red highlights. The Duke custom toy [shown in some pics with Scarlett] was posted in my blog, and at my Figure Realm gallery. Stay tuned for more Joes!