Per her history, Moondragon is a powerful telekinetic and telepath, as well as the daughter of Arthur Douglas (better known as Drax).
Every customizer has their own vision of a character, and this was my take on her.
Marvel Legends Enchantress was the base torso figure for this MoonDragon, while I also used the top of Lady Thor, before sculpting her chest. Her head, arms and legs are from Enchantress as well. The cape and gripping hand came from Lady Thor and I sculpted the top part of the cape with greenstuff.
Had to sculpt her boots, thigh straps, arm bands, and sword; plus I added the three green gemstones to her body [on her thighs and on the top of her chest]. Her cape is held via a magnet to her back, so it's easily removable. Plus I decided that a two-toned cape would be better than just glossy green on both sides. She was hand painted with Tamiya and Americana paints.
I added my recent Shazam / Captain Marvel custom at the end, for size comparisons. Enjoy and Share!