Monday, August 8, 2022


Street Fighter 6 [SF6] is coming out next year 2023. And they've got a new character called Kimberly... the trailer was dropped yesterday on Youtube. I just had to comment on this and give the artists & 3D modelers at Capcom a shout-out, for creating a beautiful African American / black young lady. As a young kunoichi / ninja gal, Kimberly seems to be a role replacement for Ibuki [who may still get released in a DLC package. We'll see how that goes]. 

Kimberly has high cheek bones, a compact egg-shaped face, and long black hair... yet she is beautiful to gaze upon, while yielding a warm energetic vibe. And I applaud that design choice.

And you can never compare her aesthetics as a black gal to the female character called Sarah Sharpe, who was a new leading character shown in the Netflix movie called The Sea Beast, released this year [June 2022]... And... Lord have mercy... Sarah also had high cheek bones, but she was one of the Ugliest black female characters I've ever seen in a big budget 3D cartoon, who was presented as a leading character. Her overall appearance as a tough one-legged pirate was just a very poor design choice by the character designers, and the animators had no choice but to roll with it. 

That's Sarah's face shown below, with her equivocally stamped expression for happy, sad, unimpressed, and nonchalant, all rolled into one.

I'm in my 40s. and I've noticed that some young fans have called Sarah Sharpe "the Best Character" in the movie, despite the fact that she's shown in total for less than 20 minutes, out of the 119 minutes running time. I will not debate or endorse that claim... I'm just stating that the design of that one-legged black pirate chick who just too ugly AF. The character designers Could Have done better. There was no law that said she has to be ugly, since she is a tough and battle-tested pirate / monster huntress. Honestly, the director should never have green-lit this design, which is shown below on the right. 

Over the past 18 years, I've drawn and designed over 800 characters for the DSNG Sci Fi Series, while presenting my works as 26 Mature ebooks available online, HERE. And I've made over 100 custom toys, in the 6-inch scale. But I don't post every single work online, because I'm too busy. 

And from a toy creator's perspective, I can tell you that the toys of a character like Sarah Sharpe will have a huge problem standing up on its own... with one wooden leg, especially when you try to set it in some dynamic poses. And per her appearance, SHE WILL NOT SELL WELL AS AN ARTICULATED TOY.

The thing is, these characters in leading roles, most of the time, are supposed to be role models that the viewing kids can aspire to, especially in a flick that is tagged as a family movie. Little girls look up to the leading heroic ladies that they see on the screen, whether it's a Wonder Woman, or even a Sarah Sharpe. So it's wise to makes sure that the character looks good... and she can even be designed to look good with a wooden leg - which was clearly designed to be the frontal spike of a swordfish, so that she can have killer karate kicks, and kick the sea monsters in their eyeballs, I presume.  Look, if I have time, in the future, I'll do a redesign of Sarah, in my style. But not today or tomorrow....  just Google "dsng blog art" to see a small sample of my artwork & custom toys, mostly fished out of this DSNG blog, which has been around since like 2010.

And as as parent, can you imagine the struggles of your young daughter having to dress up as a character with one leg, while other kids will criticize her if she shows up with "two boots" on her legs? You know that kids talk a lot and they say tons of random shit like that! They are brutally honest and they don't care if they hurt someone else's feelings!

[If article ends, Click "READ MORE" below on the left side to keep reading!]

Plus, there have been many other black female characters, in other 3D and 2D cartoons, and in comics, that were just beautiful. Look up: Storm, Monet St Croix, Vixen, Nubia and Misty Knight. They are all black female superheroes from Marvel and DC Comics, who look good... so good that Hulk would smash twice.

Even Disney made the movie called The Princes And The Frog [2009], with a beautiful young gal from New Orleans presented in the leading role, called Tiana. She's shown on the left side. She is fully recognized as a Disney Princess, although she is not as popular, since her movie was released [with minimal marketing] more than 50 years after the golden age of the classics like Sleeping Beauty [1949] and Snow White [1938].

Plus for some strange reason in that Sea Beast Movie with Sarah Sharpe, almost all the young pirate men were voiced by women. And at the very end, the lead hero, a guy called Jacob Holland, ends up living on a beach within what looked like a desert island, and with a young black girl who is less than 13 years old, to live happily ever after with him... and the little girl [a co-leading character called Maisie, who was an orphan fascinated with the sea beasts], actually says at the end of the movie: "Yup, my life is gonna be good".

And she's supposed to live on that beach, alone, for the rest of her life, with a grown-ass man....... she'll live alone, with an adult man, and there's no wife / mother / girlfriend with that man, to watch over Maisie, and keep Jacob [who drinks] from getting drunk and putting his hard stuff into................................

Sigh - it's called groomig folks, and it's wrong. Don't let Hollywood subtly pollute your mind or the minds of your kids, by giving you a morally twisted movie ending and calling it a good thing. Tell your kids what's going on, so that they can also become judges of TV Shows or cartoons with themes that are just plain garbage with some twisted bullshit. So was that Sea Beast movie entertaining? Yes. But was the ending theme good? No.

Now back to Kimberly, from Street Fighter 6... like I said, she is beautiful,  in her own unique way, as a premier design that has not been released for over 1 week. And comparatively, ChunLi is beautiful, with a design that has been refined for over 2 decades.

FYI, Capcom could have just made Ibuki black, and placed a "stamp of representation" on her while calling her "Kimbuki", like Marvel would do, per their notorious antics of race swapping and gender swapping... which is bullshit. It takes more creativity and effort to build a new character from scratch, and then work to make them popular / cool in the eyes of the fans. And that's actually the longer and better route to take, in order to give the character the true roots that will be respected by the fans, over time.

One of the least respected heroes in my eyes is Captain Marvel... the he / she identity crap has gotten so convoluted over the years, that the character is now... just completely unappealing, to me. And the comic tales of Carol Danvers  have been very poorly written for several years, so that the book sales drop and the comic series gets cancelled over and over again. But that's another story for another day. And if you like Captain Marvel / Carol Danvers, then that's fine. 

Just remember that the original Captain Marvel [Billy Batson, aka Shazam] was a white dude, back in the day [created in 1939]. And maybe next year in 2023, if the modern female Captain Marvel gets changed from "Carol" into "Calvin", then don't be mad.... Just know that it's part of the dumb shit that Marvel has been doing for years.

Hell, if they could get away with it, Marvel would sell you a fully black t-shirt with no design called "The Ghost", and with no logo on it... and they'd expect you to buy it at twice the price of a t-shirt with Heman or Superman on it :)

OK, that enough ranting for one day! This is my blog and I can say what I want, damn it! Now that you've heard the truth, it's up to you to share the news! :)

