I wanted a Warrior Amazon version of Diana / Wonder Woman, which radiated beauty and strength. She took a while, but I like how she turned out.
The base body was Marvel Legends Scream, which gave me a light base to work with. The head was from Enchantress and the lower legs were from Thundra. The hands came from Lady Thor.
The shield came from Captain America, while the spear was custom made, from the interior cartridge of an ink pen; and I just sculpted all the details for it. Her rear battle skirt came from a piece of cotton cloth, while the other blue skirts were sculpted. I had to hide her removable Spartan sword within her shield, since I didn't want it to clutter up the "armored side" of her costume. Plus her lasso was made from black bendy wire, which I repainted.
Her entire body armor and boots were sculpted as well. She was hand-painted with Tamiya paints.
Maybe I'll make her boyfriend later... we'll see ;) Anyway, remember to like and share!