Over this weekend, the latest DSNG ebook has been launched at
Amazon! And it features an adventure with Yatalia Yentoshima, a female Alpha Senturi soldier! I've done several articles with Yatalia
in the past, showing her pics [with her face, as a civilian], her bio and some of her background. And the article featuring the explanation of the Alpha Senturi Black-ops soldiers is over
Yatalia is a female Commander and she's a bad ass fighter. And she's a Gothic gal, yet she is social and congenial with her associates. In some ways, she can be viewed as a dark rose. She is a super soldier and she's a high level Muay Thai combat expert... and she's she got the ChunLi thighs.
Here is the Overview of the latest ebook:
The dynamic sci fi adventure continues with the Twenty-third installment of the DSNG series!

Following the conclusion of the gladiator tournament known as the War Games on the Water World
planet Macur, Commander Vince and his tag-team partner Teela Storm embark on their return journey
to their home world of planet Avera, via a borrowed Sybercon Class3
Cruiser. And Professor Axel has left the Chosen Daughter at this
juncture, while Teela remains oblivious to his true identity.
But that very night, over on Avera, in the cold northern mega state of
Lavernia, an Alpha Senturi soldier with ties to crooked politicians
finds himself in an underground gambling center. And the gifted
soldier arrived looking like a civilian. But soon chaos ensues and a
homicide occurs, as the Alpha Senturi ends up getting killed by a
mysterious assailant.
But there appears to be more than one culprit in this heinous crime,
along with multiple victims, all slain without a discernible motive.

Thus the police detectives in Lavernia and the Federal Agents from the
National Crime Investigation Agency are summoned, to carefully
investigate the homicide.
But on the same night that the Alpha soldier was slain, an aerial armed
robbery also takes place in Swanburg City, which was perpetrated by a
mysterious gang utilizing two disparate armed hovervehicles. And one
of those vehicles that the gang utilized for the heist was an armored
SUV, specifically a Ram-Rod TAC2500. And one of the felons displayed
super powers amidst the nighttime robbery, resulting in several dead
officers and extensive collateral damage. The stolen merchandise was
recently imported, while it belongs to Vector Weapons Systems.

Yet as
the dust settles, the detectives have no idea of whether or not the
two recent crimes are connected.
Soon a corporate e-mail is dispatched to the top NCI Federal Agents and
the leading law enforcement officials, in both South Philadelphia and
Lavernia. And the request for assistance soon reaches the inbox of
Commander Yatalia Yentoshima.
Thus Yatalia, a fellow Alpha Senturi black-ops operative, is forced to
step up to look into the initial homicide, which involved an Alpha
soldier that she was acquainted with many years ago.
as the investigation unfolds, a mysterious Entradan artifact
gradually comes to light… a highly sought-after item tagged as the
Book Of Death...
- Part 23 of 23 e-books. Rated M for Mature; 890 pages
All right, be sure to download the new DSNG eBook 23 over
You can get it on your desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone or kindle, as long as you download the free Kindle App to any of those devices first!!
And you can read the other
Exploring DSNG Blog Articles with more pics!
Part 33 is Over
Part 32 is Over
Part 31 is Over
And Part 30 is right