Although you do see the heroes in the story, both of the ebooks focus upon the bad guys and their adventures. Hence you get a candid glimpse at Tek-Hon, Lho-Khi, Ska-Rusk and Ms. Zevah, as they continue the mission tagged as Operation Mystic Hand. These four villains are part of the Top 5 Gorilla Operatives [the Gorillas are one of the many super-villain groups in the DSNG series]. And the four of them were shown on the Front Cover of DSNG Book 9 [The Reckoning].

As gifted young men, Azzar and Tek-Hon were both trained as Alpha Senturi black-ops soldiers. Both of them have super-strength, although they are not the most powerful warriors in the Makuran Galaxy, in terms of the heavy load that they can lift. And although Tek-Hon is faster that his half-brother, he cannot fly and project fireballs like Azzar can.
Azzar Omenus was trained in CQB techniques by Lady Azda, a fierce female gladiator and the mother of King Titron. Titron is Azzar's strong lascivious cousin, who rules over planet Avera.
On the other hand, Tek-Hon Zannibor was trained by Zord Raiden, the legendary Entradan swordsman, a red-skinned guy who was an expert at fighting with two swords held in both of his hands [for a total of four blades, held like a dual pair of scissors].
Both Zord and Lady Azda hail from Entrados, the Steampunk World [one of the 7 major planets in the Makuran Galaxy]. And Tek-Hon, who has a very lenghty and ominous resume, actually spent several years working as a treasure hunter over on Entrados, after he walked away from planet Avera and his life as a Prince within the Imperial Palace.
Yes, Tek-Hon was once treated like a Prince, because his beautiful Scalatan mother, Lady Trishat Zong, was married to Azzar's father, King Vaygon Omenus [who was one of the co-rulers of Avera back in those days, due to the presence of King Valon, who was Titron's dad]. And Lady Trishat is often referred to as an alien Jessica Rabbit, in terms of her figure.
In the ebooks, Tek-Hon is often called The Killer of Killers or The Dark Swordsman. And Tek is probably one of the moodiest villains to ever be created; but he's such a bad-ass that it's impossible not to respect him and his fighting skills. And in DSNG Book 13, the fans get a glimpse into his troubled past, in order to gain an idea of how he became cold-hearted and introverted. Most of the major characters in this Sci Fi series have a long private history, which plays out in the ebooks. And Tek's history is over 10 pages long...
Several years ago, when I started this blog back in 2010, I candidly informed the fans that this Sci Fi series was inspired by Star Wars and DBZ. Yet honestly, a lot of fans don't see DSNG and think of either of those aforementioned series.
The thing is, the concept of a super-soldier or a four-armed alien is not new; its just the way that the concept is interpreted that can be completely groundbreaking. And I'm proud to say that DSNG is... different, from any Sci Fi series out there. And that is a good thing.
Thanks for being a fan! We've got 13 long ebooks in the records, so Stay Tuned for more!