[Above: sci fi wallpaper with two sexy female aliens - Elena and Shella-Nita. Yeah, it almost looks like they're wearing the classic Sailor Moon schoolgirl costumes]
Elena Eden is tied to the Averan throne and she is also linked to the Averan military. Her cousin, Bella Ezen, is married to King Titron, the Monarch of Avera; while her other cousin, Wes Ezen, is one of the two supreme Generals over the Centura forces. Elena is also dating Obed Primon, the second General over the Centura. Thus she is literally treated as a VIP wherever she goes. Elena also has two younger sisters, who are dear to her heart. Both Elena and Prince Azzar [the main protagonist of the DSNG sci fi series] were featured in the storyline for DSNG Chronicles book 6. The blog article that talks about that 620-page ebook was posted over HERE, earlier this month.
On the other hand, Shella-Nita is one of the three daughters of an affluent Scalatan family. Per Shely's aristocratic background, she is extremely affluent. And she also has links to the Averan throne, due to her friendly affiliation with Prince Azzar's younger brother, Theo. Shella-Nita has a younger sister named Yavu-Nita and a clandestine cousin named Kra-Kan.
Shelly is also linked to one of the most powerful businessmen across the four sectors, named Lord Veraguddon. Her association with him is hinted in DSNG Book 4 and in DSNG Book 5. In terms of her character, Shelly is rather spoiled due to her rich pedigree, almost like Voxxana - the flashy daughter of Lord Veraguddon [the article on Voxxy was posted Here Previously. And while Voxxana and Shelly are casual associates, they really can't be tagged as close friends.... since Shelly often "hangs out" with Voxxy's dad.
Voxxy has a younger sister named Velint, who is a pop-diva. And Velint definitely hates Shelly [The new article on Velint is over HERE].
This is a rather uncomfortable scenario for most people. Just imagine the mental state of a young girl in college who knows that her dad is dating one of her girl friends. But that sort of thing happens all the time. Yet the outcome of such relationships is a portal that leads to more drama, especially in a futuristic setting where a finger can hold a biometric-ID card embedded as a microchip, which can be used effortlessly by a father to secretly buy gifts for one of his daughter's friends... Issues like this are intertwined with explosive action scenes in the DSNG books.
Some fans were probably thinking of the classic Super Street Fighter theme per the header of this blog post... Honestly, Elean and Shelly have no reason to raise thier fists against one another or cross swords with moods of vengeance. They are buddies and they both make money from their bodies; since they are supermodels, known across the cities of planet Avera and the other green worlds. The sci fi wallpaper above was tied to a photo-shoot with an "urban assassin / Sexy Street Fighter" theme.
And for die-hard SSFIV fans, you can check out this clip of Chun-li vs Cammy:
Out of the two supermodels, Elena is the elder & more mature one - although one would never guess Elena's age just by looking at her. Elena is an Averan, and the Averans [who are essentially golden-skinned aliens, from the Makuran Galaxy] do not age like earthlings. There is a DSNG Galactic Map that was posted in this blog a long time ago and it showcases all the major planets and their orbiting satellites. Check it out over HERE.
**EDIT on December 12th 2011:
Here are more pics of Elena and Shelly, from the drawing board. The prelim design done in the Cheesecake art style shows the basic inked sketch, traced over the pencil art. After the image is scanned, I do a lot of digital modification; shifting, streamlining and changing the pose / rotating the image till I'm satisfied with the art. After that, the coloring takes place via Photoshop.

Shelly does modeling for VWS - Vector Weapons Systems; that's why she is often seen posing with fancy assault rifles and concept laser guns. And her hourglass figure, ample breasts and winning smile give her a natural sexy appeal as a female alien. Technically, Elena is a hot female alien as well, since she is Averan.

More pics of of Elena are in this article HERE
And there are more pics of Shelly the Scalatan supermodel: HERE and HERE
This article is "Part 15" within the overview of the DSNG sci fi series. Stay tuned for more articles and check out these classic blog posts with pics and details on other intriguing characters!
Part 1: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/01/exploring-dsng-series-part-1.html
Part 2: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/01/exploring-dsng-series-part-2.html
Part 3: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/01/exploring-dsng-part-3.html
Part 4: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/01/exploring-dsng-part-4-elena-eden.html
Part 5: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/02/exploring-dsng-part-5-alpha-senturi.html
Part 6: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/02/exploring-dsng-part-6-yatalia.html
Part 7: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/03/exploring-dsng-part-7-kinera.html
Part 8: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/03/exploring-dsng-part-8-scalatans.html
Part 9: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/04/exploring-dsng-part-9-scalatans-v2.html
Part 10: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/05/exploring-dsng-part-10-katarans.html
Part 11: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/06/exploring-dsng-part-11-usual-unusual.html
Part 12: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/07/exploring-dsng-part-12-beautiful-female.html
Part 13: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/07/exploring-dsng-part-13-fire-and-ice.html
Part 14: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/08/exploring-dsng-part-14-planet-entrados.html
Part 15: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/10/exploring-dsng-part-15-elena-vs-shelly.html
Part 16: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/12/exploring-dsng-part-16-dinatour-alien.html
Part 17: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2012/01/exploring-dsng-part-17-beautiful-female.html