Starcraft 2, Gears of War, Halo 4, Deadspace 2, Lost Planet 3, Ghost recon, Warcraft, Warhammer, Magic the Gathering, Modern Warfare and even the DSNG sci fi series; all these franchises present the fans & players with a variety of sci fi armor designs. And each armor design is as unique as the game / comic that the armored character is hosted within.
Targeted at aspiring artists and fans, this post [Part 3 of 3 articles in this blog] is a resource, showing you a broad variety of designs that hopefully will inspire you in your own artistic venture. The names of the selected artists are placed at the end of the post.

You'll have to click on "Read More" to see the rest of the male & female concept armor designs in this gallery!

Special Thanks to the following concept artists for creating these outstanding woks: Josh Nizzi, Guangjian Huang, Robert Simmons, Theo Stylianides, Kevin Chen, Salvador Trakal [Saturnoarg at DA!], SlipgateCentral, Paul Kwon [Shiramune], Reaper78, Blur Studios, Chang Ming, Jamga and Tyler James. I may have missed a few names, and if so, contact me at facebook and I'll update your name in this list.
Part 1 of this article regarding sci fi costumes & concept armor is HERE, While Part 2 of this article is HERE
Sci Fi Weapons [handguns, gauss laser rifles, blasters etc]: HERE