The TF4 movie trailers on Youtube do give a glimpse of the actual robots that are featured in the movie, along with a few of the toys that have been showcased at national / foreign toy fairs so far. But I'm still going to wait on the art dump from Josh Nizzi [the main concept artist that did a host of the designs for the first 3 TF films. And a lot of his stuff is archived in this DSNG Blog, over HERE].
Today I'll showcase some cool past posters of Optimus Prime, which were never used in TF3 movie. And the only New / Official posters of Prime will be the ones that were utilized in the advertising posters shown on the Web shortly after the new trailers for the TF4 movie were released, about a month ago [the ones in which he is holding a giant broad sword].

Anyway, the current guessed names of the Autobot characters in TF4 are: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Hound, Drift, Slingshot, Crosshairs, Ratchet
And the guessed names of the Decepticons are: Galvatron, Lockdown, Motormaster, Breakdown, Cyclonus, and MAYBE the other members of Menasor [a giant robot from the Transformers G1 cartoon series, which was comprised of 5 combining vehicles]

And here are the guessed Dinobots: Grimlock, Sludge, Strafe, Scorn and Slash. [Beyond the first two Bots, the other robots seem to be new / modified versions of the originals introduced back in the 80s, with the TF G1 cartoon series.] And BTW, no one is completely certain of whether or not the Dinobots will all be good guys... or maybe those who have joined "Movieleaks. co" will have some details to share with the rest of us!!!! LOL

I'll keep updating this article with new posters over the next few months! Stay tuned!
UPDATE: 04/13/2014
More TF4 movie posters and Wallpapers have been released with Autobots, Dinobots & Decepticons!