Eventually in November 2005, it became a hit adult animated series on Cartoon Network's late-night block called Adult Swim, and I think it ran for 4 seasons [although Aaron left the show after the 3rd season ended]. The show ended in June 2014 and it had 55 episodes.
If you saw the original comic strips, the art of the Boondocks did evolve over the years, before the cartoon was launched. And now I've created three of the main characters as high school seniors [roughly 18 years old], in my style.
Their names are: Riley [future thug, with the high-top fade and DSNG finger name rings], Huey [future activist / governor, with the giant DJGemini chain] and Jazmine [the future thick wife of Riley - probably, man... just sayin'].
There's another main character called Grandad [voiced by the legendary guy John Witherspoon], whom I didn't draw... couldn't find a way to make him look cool like the others, but it's all good :)
Anyway, enjoy the art and don't forget to like and share!