Moncia is a Firehawk soldier, linked to the Taranian United Forces. She's a redhead with a fiery attitude. She focuses on air-combat and she has various combat armored suits.
The base body was Overwatch Ultimates Farah, and the head came from Spiderwoman. And I sculpted her armor pieces, legs, arms, chest, shoulder-pads and her hair. One of her former bulky shoulder-pads was removed and turned into her left-arm's blaster gauntlet, and the two silver gun-barrels were added to it. That blaster gauntlet is held by a magnet. The other assault rifle came from ebay and was sculpted.
Her ponytail is attached by a magnet, so it can swivel. Plus the blue wings were from the original toy and they were spray-painted red, while they can swivel and "open-up" as well, as shown in the last DSNG Blog picture [The full set was 15 cool pics]. Monica was hand-painted with Tamiya and Americana paints. Thanks for looking, Enjoy and Share!