I have several Original Customs Toys that are almost ready, from a group I'm calling The Iron Brigade, but I haven't had time to photograph and post them.
Also I've been working on this Custom Base Diorama project for a while, based on an original design. I'm not sure when I'll be done with it. Last year, Over on Big Bad Toy Store, I saw a Diorama set that cost almost $180 with shipping, which I really liked... and it was just made from painted slim cardboard with some folded parts. Honestly, it didn't look like it was worth the money. So I decided to give it a shot and build something original, like a compact Base / HQ for my 6-inch scale GI Joe figures.

Anyway, I don't know when I'll be finished with this Base Diorama [which still needs to be painted], but I figured it was advanced enough to be posted as a WIP. Thanks for looking! Enjoy & Share!