Been working on this Cobra Base Diorama Wall for a few months, on and off. It was created from cardboard boxes, putty, metal, plastic and other household items. Once the main composition was done, I spray-painted it, and then I added more stuff to it. Magnets were used to add the Cobra logo and the red vertical banners, which are removable. The main three-part gate in the wall doesn't open... I almost did it, but I figured it would just be too much work.
You can look at the Before and After pictures, with some 6-inch scale figures added for a sense of scale. The rectangular size of the wall is 21.0 inches wide, by 15.5 inches high. And it weight is almost 8 pounds, since there was stuff added inside the cardboard wall, to keep it from being crushed easily.
In the pictures, I also added a custom 6-inch Cobra Commander Toy that I created like 5 years ago, but never shared it online. He was made from an old Marvel Legends Star Lord body, but he was heavily customized with putty, and the "red cloth wire-cape" came from ebay. And I added a lot of details that were painted with silver and gold. The Baroness and Destro toys are from GI Joe Classified toy line.
Thanks for looking! Enjoy and Share!