There is something intangible about this drafted female head-shot that inspires a sense of intrigue, beauty and sheer resilience. She appears to have a silent strength, emanating through her eyes. Many have said that the eyes are a window to the soul; and a soul is akin to a deep mysterious well. Some souls are wells of good and others are wells of evil. Hence from that perspective, it is possible to get lost in the eyes of someone alluring, simply because you fell into an odyssey created by the depth of their beauty. Some will even call this concept "falling in love".
She almost looks like a timeless immortal woman, one who was birthed by the gods and yet forged of living clay.
On the other hand, she may even be a shapeshifter; a beautiful, sexy, alien woman capable of adopting any phenotypical form she desired, from her neck to her curvy bosom and down to her toes.
She also looks like a Femme Fatal character, one who defies the odds and never needs redemption from harm. Yet she also presents the air of a seductress, one who can lure you into a bed of warmth and comfort... only to stab you in the back when you were fast asleep.
Femme Fatals were discussed in this article, over HERE.
She could be a trophy wife, or a strong trophy winner. Either way, my imagination runs wild when I look at this image; she possesses an elegant face that I can never get tired of gazing at.... and this portrait is aptly entitled Timeless Beauty...
Explore the DSNG Sci Fi series and check out the beautiful female aliens: HERE
Geeks at heart will enjoy this archived article on the Cheesecake art style: HERE