In this modern era of excess and abundance, there will always be cons and scams; meaning that often the hype that surrounds a pending game/product may be really nothing more than the classic deception of smoke and mirrors; elusive tricks designed to suck you in so that you buy a B-grade game, which was advertised with an A-grade trailer.
Nevertheless, there will constantly be an exception to the norm. And there will always be games that are worth your time [and your money] based upon their graphics, depth of story, enemy AI complexities, and their addictive game-play dynamics.

Now lets take a look at three forthcoming games. The first video game worthy of a BOLO [law enforcement slang for "Be On the Look Out for"] is Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. Produced by High Noon Studios [the same guys behind Transformers: War of Cybertron], this sci fi game is tentatively slated to be released in the fall of 2012. And it appears to be a true heavy-weight contender. Plus, from the trailer below, one of the most beloved Autobots of all time appears to be hurt, while another one is taking center stage: Grimlock!
Linked back to the original G1 set of toys released in the mid-80s, Grimlock was a powerful Dinobot; he was capable of transforming into a giant robotic T-Rex. He could absorb endless barrages of laser pulses while he shredded his opponents with his chiseled metallic teeth. He wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he always got the job done.
And the amazing concept art shown here from that forthcoming game is courtesy of Aaron Limonick. Here are 3 of the Dinobots from the Fall Of Cybertron game and their dinosaur robot forms are shown directly below. There are a total of 5 Dinobots in the original cartoon series: Grimlock, Sludge, Slag, Swoop and Snarl. Grimlock is a classic Tyrannosaurus Rex. And Sludge, the second-in-command, transforms into a long-necked dinosaur, which could either be a Brontosaurus or an Apatosaurs. The notorious Insecticons [Sharpshot, Hardshell and Kickback] and Shockwave are also shown in one of the wallpapers below! And like the Dinobot crew, those four Decepticons are part of one of the game's DLC packs that can be purchased separately.

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Honestly, there are two featured Autobots in the game that I'm not sure of their origins: Zeta Prime and Air Raid, the two guys on the left side, above. Perhaps Zeta is an old-timer, who mentored Optimus. I remember Jet Fire from the original 1980s Transformers cartoon; he was a Deception that became an Autobot, and he was a comrade of Starscream. Perhaps Air Raid is the latest interpretation of the flying Autobot... we'll see....

New posters and wallpaper showing the Decepticon giant robot Bruticus, [he is made up of five Combaticons, named Vortex, Blastoff, Swindle, Onslaught and Brawl] have been released. Bruticus is the giant Decepticon in the popular Transformers: Fall of Cybertron game trailer.

Grimlock, wielding his energy sword and an energy shield, is shown in the last image on the right.
The second action role-playing game to watch for this year is Mass Effect 3. More character posters from that game are placed in a previous post HERE.
The Third game to watch for is.... MAX PAYNE 3, from Rockstar Games. This modified paragraph by Darren Finch from summarizes the sarcastic hype around this game:
"The typical video game protagonist is a callow, nobly inclined young person excited to set off on an intriguing quest for goodness. Such heroes are pure-hearted, upright and trustworthy, loyal to the cause of justice and constantly heroic in their true nature. And then there's the mo-fo Max Payne, who returns eight years after Max Payne 2, as a fat, obnoxious, broken alcoholic with a shaved head and a dirty tank top. Also intriguing: The franchise is moving from the 'noir-gritty urbania' of the first two games to the sunny streets of Brazil."
Now I must confess that I love Brazil. It was the country used for the setting of the Fast Five Movie and it is notoriously known for having some of the most curvaceous & exotic looking women in the world.... I've seen pics of dark-skinned ladies with natural blue eyes, and 43-year-old sexy mamas that look like they're still 23. And as I imagine that Mr. Beer-Belly Max Payne is going to literally have a gun-toting adventure in paradise, a sly grin rapidly invades my face. Lets just get to the point: Max is probably going to hook up with a Sexy Pawg and get laid in Brazil. And he's definitely gonna kill some crazy mo-fos along the way. 'Nuff said.
More TRANSFORMERS 3:DOTM Official Posters: HERE