Below are a host of works that I've found around the Web, which showcase Catwoman over the years. And some of these images date back to 1999 [watch for a really classic "DC" logo on some of the pics].

DC Comics Pinup art by Jim Balent, Scott Kolins and Paolo Pantalena.

Adam Hughes did all of the Catwoman comic covers above.

[Above: Two pics by Jim Lee, the middle one is by Adam Hughes, and the last pic on the right is by Paul Gulacy. The pic below to the left is by a guy called Ceaser]
One of the most memorable Catwoman artists was Jim Balent, who did work for DC comics and he drew her from 1993 to 1999 [his work is in one of the first rows above]. And back then, Selina wore a purple costume, which really wasn't comprised from latex. Artist Paul Gulacy did the art for the sultry cat vixen from 2004 - 2005. Adam Hughes also did a lot of cover art for Catwoman, from 2005 to 2008. And the current artist for Catwoman is Guillem March, who started last year in 2011. Guillem is spearheading the New 52 relaunch of the famous cat burglar and some of his sexy art is showcased over HERE.
Guillem also worked with writer Paul Dini in 2009 - 2011, on the Gotham City Sirens comic book. And it featured Catwoman, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. The book was focused on the exploits of the three ladies as bad guys, scamming, robbing and doing whatever they wanted, while often yielding a helping hand when it fitted into their grander schemes.

Guillem did the first two pics in the first row, while Ed Benes did the pic of the "Batman Santa" and the DC vigilante ladies tagged as the Birds of Prey. And the last three pics above were done by Dustin Nguyen, Knytcrawlr, and Paulo Sequeira.
You can check out the previous article featuring sexy Catwoman cosplay HERE and Supergirl cosplay is over HERE
And the previous blog article featuring a gallery of Marvel's Black Cat is HERE