I started this toy model a few months ago, and it took a while to get it done. The base model was a "Bandai Pacific Rim Uprising Guardian Bravo" toy, which is roughly 6 inches tall. Hence it was rather small in my opinion, but that's the case with a lot of the toy models from Japan. Anyway, I added a lot of sculpt to this base model and I enhanced his chest, his gauntlets and his boots, to make him taller. His large sword came from ebay, while his two smaller swords were from Deadpool. And his arm cannon was fully sculpted, while the gun-barrel came from a clicky pen.
Here are the Work-In-Progress pics. Plus I added even more black/gray putty to him after this period of pictures, later in the week. So his shoulder pads and gantlets became bulkier. The completed robot will be posted next, HERE.