The base body used was "Marvel Legends Gaurdians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Star Lord". And I painted over him with Tamiya paints, to get his overall blue tone to be uniform with the color scheme that I wanted.
Then I added the vest and pouches from the Valaverse Garrison Cavalry. And I painted over them, with a metallic red, while also sculpting and enhancing the vest to fit my purpose. I also moved around some of the accessories from the original vest, so the chest-dagger was placed as a strapped-on item on his right thigh. Plus he has handguns strapped to each of his thighs, since I created an extra holster on his left thigh.
The Grenade launcher rifle held in his left hand came from Valaverse, while the other Gatling gun blaster held in his right hand was custom made, using fodder and some elements from ebay.
Also he has a custom rifle adhered to his back-panels with a magnet. And his helmet was a custom head, which I painted. And I bought the headsculpt from a cool guy on ebay, over here. The helmet is not removable, since it was part of the headsculpt ;) And I added extra sculpted elements to his boots and his arms.
All right, thanks for looking! Enjoy and share!