[Above: Prince Azzar is shown in the first sci fi wallpaper; he's the main hero of the DSNG series. And the second character shown is Commander Vince; he's a seductive ladies man & he is Azzar's best friend]
The 6-part DSNG ebook series [available Here at Amazon] is a fusion of dynamic concepts, including cyberpunk, steampunk, military sci fi, action/adventure, thriller and romance themes.
Some years ago, I recall a fan at DA calling my work "Techpunk". At first that tag greatly annoyed me... I thought he was mocking my work, since I had called the art "Futuristic Steampunk". But after meditating on the highlighted new sci fi category, it actually made sense. Its not common to fuse a host of sci fi concepts seamlessly. Let me explain, via notarized live-action examples:
- Steampunk themes were presented in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Hellboy 2 and Wild Wild West
- Cyberpunk is presented in Ghost in the Shell, The Matrix Trilogy , Total Recal , Akira, Cowboy Bebop and Blade Runner.
- Military Sci Fi was showcased in AppleSeed, and Star Wars Episode II: The Clone Wars, although that movie also had romance and drama intertwined into it.
So what is DSNG? It is a crossover series. It is the birthing of the Sci Fi Techpunk Genre.
Everyone is open to their opinion about what Science Fiction category / genre that DSNG focally falls within. But until you've read the 6 books available, you really won't be able to make a definite opinion...
So what are you waiting for?? The promotional ebook called DSNG TALES is 99 Cents! --> HERE
Link to DSNG Book 1 [Part 1 of 6, available @ Amazon.com]: HERE
Link to DSNG Book 4 [Part 4 of 6]: HERE

[Above: Book Covers and Concept art from the DSNG Series]
Part 11: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/06/exploring-dsng-part-11-usual-unusual.html
Part 12: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/07/exploring-dsng-part-12-beautiful-female.html
Part 12: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/07/exploring-dsng-part-12-beautiful-female.html
Part 13: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/07/exploring-dsng-part-13-fire-and-ice.html
Part 14: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/08/exploring-dsng-part-14-planet-entrados.html
Part 15: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/10/exploring-dsng-part-15-elena-vs-shelly.html
Part 14: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/08/exploring-dsng-part-14-planet-entrados.html
Part 15: http://dsngsfm.blogspot.com/2011/10/exploring-dsng-part-15-elena-vs-shelly.html